The Way Logging Software Should Be

Features: Setup

The following screens show all the setup information the user can provide. Beginning users only will have to specify a few of these parameters to get going. But as you learn to appreciate the power of DX4WIN, you will come back to these screens more often.

Text Box: On the personal page you should specify your home coordinates so direction and distance will be displayed based on your home QTH. 
Text Box: The station page allows you to select bands and modes you have an interest in. 
Text Box: In the QSO page, can can specify the default band and mode for a new QSO (if you do not have a radio connected) 
Text Box: Here you select the radio(s) you may have connected to your computer. 
Text Box: On the packet window can select the use of a regular TNC or an Internet connection to get packet spots. When a new spot comes in, the Windows sound system can be used to announce an interesting spot. 
Text Box: The scroll back capacity (the number of available lines) can just be a few or in the thousands. If you don't like the colors used to distinguish interesting DX spots, you can change them here. 
Text Box: Select your RTTY interface here, or if you do not use the RTTY, select a second source for DX spots 
Text Box: The drop down menu shows a few of the callbook CDROMs that DX4WIN supports. Also note that DX4WIN can call upon the GOLIST to obtain QSL information.