The Way Logging Software Should Be

Feature: DXCC Reports

Tracking of awards is an important aspect of DX4WIN. There are many ways to get summaries, overviews etc. for all these awards. Below we select a listing report for DXCC. Besides DXCC, many reports are available as shown below.

Text Box: Selecting a listing for DXCC
Text Box: Before the report is generated, specify the band or the mode or leave the selection as is.
Text Box: After selecting 10M as the band to be listed, the above report is generated. The M indicates that a card was Mailed, but no QSO was confirmed, C indicates a QSO was confirmed and the * indicates a QSO was checked for the award.
You can reach the confirmed QSO(s) with Guinea on Phone by a double click on the letter C. The QSO window will show all contacts with Guinea on 10M Phone.
Text Box: A different DXCC report; the needed countries listing.