The Way Logging Software Should Be

Feature: PSK31

DX4WIN has a full featured PSK31 Window.

Text Box: The PSK31 Window. Left top the receive window; top right second channel receive window. Below the receive windows the transmit window. Followed by the signal quality meter, spectrum display, waterfall display. In the lower portion some control buttons, macro buttons and some information fields.
The small window shows both the spectrum and waterfall display, but you can also show either one of these displays over the full width of the window. The receive and transmit windows are shown pretty small, but they can occupy you full screen. Both windows show a frequency marker (1) which can be selected to go back to a previously stored frequency.  Clicking on the play button will replay the last 25 seconds of signals received, allowing you to decode a signal you missed before.  A double-click on a word in the receive window can fill the callsign field, the rstR field, the state field, grid locator field automatically.
Text Box: There are a number of additional PSK parameters that can be changed in a small window. 
The PSK31 settings affecting the display of the spectrum and waterfall displays.